Unfinished Business!
Sunday I did not finish my sermon. (Imagine that)
I very well may record some of these thoughts for a special podcast version. But here it is for those of you who still prefer some kind of print like version.
I ended Sunday with this thought:
The food of yesterday was more important than the faith that God wanted them to live in today.
Can you please imagine with me? Every time the people of god rebelled, in the wilderness they were thinking about the food back home in Egypt. Have you ever stopped to ask why? That my dear friend was all they had, their memories. They were holding on to their memories.
Sometimes we never go forward with God because we are holding on to what once once upon a time. we tend to look back more than we look forward. We look down more than we look up and we live by sight far more than we live by faith.
Here is my prayer: ’“Lord Jesus, I can’t, You never said I could; but You can, and always said you would. That is all I need to know.’’
If you will ever live one day of your life in spiritual victory you will never desire to go back. Justification is only the beginning, sanctification is the process for the journey.
With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.
2 Thessalonians 5:11
By His divine power He brings to completion that which He started. God’s power is the source of my strength and my motivation, He brings to my life that which I am missing.
Grace is not only God doing good for me when I do not desire it, but grace is also God’s ability and power for you to obey!
God is active in our life and making our lives worthy of the calling.
I am not worthy but God makes me worthy. I can have Christ honoring service empowered by the Holy Spirit!
God can use us in areas that we do not have the capacity to be used. God is working in and through me.
God’s grace is active and present in my life.
There is more, much more!
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