Protected Preachers During The Tribulation TDD#20
Today’s reading is Matthew 24:9-14
Today our key verse is found in verse 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
There are few things as fascinating to people as prophecy, but there are few things as problematic!
Prophecy is fascinating because most people would like to know the future.
Some people want to know out of fear, others seem to study out of curiosity.
I find anytime there is a crisis interest in prophecy always rises to the surface of conversations. Because it is seldom studied by the majority there is a lot of bad information to weed through.
That is why I am walking very slowly through this passage so you learn and are encouraged in the days we live. There are those would like to avoid life's difficulties are tragedies. Some of us refer to them as preppers.
Some would like to know what is coming in order to make a dollar or two.
If we could know the future well enough to predict the stock market all of us could become wealthy.
Now, in the secular world people use horror scopes and fortunetellers and séances and tarot cards and the popularity of the occult to try and learn about the future.
I remember in 2012 the Mayan calendar said the world was supposed to end and everyone went crazy talking about the “doomsday apocalypse”
There was a lot of fear pushed on people back then. In many respects without getting political today I am of the humble opinion that fear is driving much of what we see taking place today!
Regardless what I am trying to say is this: there is a high level of interest in our world concerning prophecy. But prophecy is a very difficult subject.
Most prophecies are vague, confusing, and one can get lost quickly in the amount of information.
Extra biblical prophecies that are secular are very vague indeed a lot of them simply don't come to pass.
Biblical prophecies come to pass but because of nature of time involved many Christians do not take the time to spend the time to understand what is recorded. While biblical prophecy is hard to understand, it is understandable.
My point is this: like most people in this world the disciples of Jesus Christ were curious about the future.
And the questions they asked about the future provided the occasion for Jesus to teach them about the last things. We are in a study looking at Matthew 24 and 25.
This section of text is called the Olivet Discourse, because it took place on the Mount of Olives. This is the last of the 6 collections of Jesus's teachings in the Gospel of Matthew.
This discourse is a very important part of Matthew’s Gospel but it is also a passage that has puzzled and divided people throughout the ages of the church.
We began with the disciples questions. We have looked at signs of the Second Coming, keep in mind those are not signs of the rapture.
These signs are a full-blown during the tribulation period. Even though it is my opinion they will be ramping up in the days prior to the tribulation. That is where I believe we are today in the final days of the ramping up - just before the anti-christ arrives as a world leader and just before the tribulation begins.
We looked at these signs, and we saw the wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes, persecutions, apostasy and false prophets that would emerge. Here is the bad news: as we approach the tribulation these things must Happen Jesus said in verse 6, but the end is still to come.
We are moving toward this tribulation period and we have been since Jesus was taken up into heaven.
I also described the AntiChrist. The AntiChrist will be the most evil man to have ever live on this earth. His agenda is simple: He comes to deify Satan {See Revelation 13: 4}.
Keep in mind that the dragon speaks of Satan and the beast speak of the AntiChrist.
The AntiChrist will come to defy and take the place of Christ! Anti means against Christ, but it also means instead of Christ or in the place of Christ! Many among the Jews and the world will think he is Messiah. For he will deceive many and turn them away from the faith. But make no mistake about it: The AntiChrist is coming to kill Christians.
I want to come today to Matthew 24 verse 14. As we do. This is one of the most misunderstood verses in all of the Bible. Read it again:
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Many times I have been in conferences where this verse is quoted and it is used as the motivation for world missions. And the argument is made if we go to every tribe, every tongue, we will ultimately make it possible for the Lord Jesus to come again because the gospel has been preached to every nation and throughout the world.
There's nothing wrong with preaching the gospel to all the world, the great commission tells us that, Acts chapter 1 tells us that. And while we are commanded to go and preach the gospel to all the world, Matthew 24:14… Does not have anything to do with the Lord coming back in the rapture…
Look at Revelation 7:1- 4… I believe that Revelation 7:1-4 are those who are preaching the gospel of the kingdom in Matthew 24:14…
So let me ask the question: Who are these protected preachers?
This is a question often asked and one often misunderstood. Are these the Jehovah Witnesses say are the ones saved and going to heaven?
Who these witnesses, and what is their job, why are they here, what is the outcome of their work? All of these are questions you will want to come back for on tomorrows edition of The Daily Devo!
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