Protected Preachers During The Tribulation #24

Protected Preachers During The Tribulation  

Today’s reading is Matthew 24:9-14

Today our key verse is found in verse 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

We are studying the Olivet Discourse.  We have given study to the first 14 verses of this sermon given to the disciples regarding the Lord Second return.

If I may for a moment let me remind you what Jesus said in Luke 12.   He said, “Be dressed, and be ready for service and keep your lamps burning.”  (verse 35)  The he said in verse 37, “It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes.”  But here is the great lesson:  Jesus said the reason we watch, the reason we wait in expectation even in the second and third watch of the night is because of verse 40. “You also must be ready because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him”

Keep in mind that we are discussing a period of time known as the Tribulation.  A seven year period of time after the rapture, before the second return of Christ.  In this period of time the Jews make a treaty with the Antichrist, and the temple is rebuilt and a
 pseudo-peace is ushered into the world.  A one world order is placed into effect.  One, leader, one government, one currency.

It is in this period of time that we find this verse in Matthew 24:14.
Matt. 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

This is also seen in a parallel passage in Revelation chapter 7.

There will be preachers preaching the Gospel even when the church is raptured out.  The question becomes:  Who are these protected preachers?

First, let me say these are not Jehovah’s Witnesses these are Jewish Witnesses.   Jehovah Witnesses teach that only 144,000 will inherit heaven. That is not what the Bible is teaching, and that is not what this passage in Matthew is teaching nor is it what John was teaching in Revelation.   These people are true Jews.  They are not Jehovah witnesses

Second, What will they have?  It is 144,000 Jews, who are sealed to preach the gospel during the tribulation period. The question is often asked of me:  Pastor, will people be saved during the tribulation period?  Look at the way these Jews are going to be used?

I want you to see why they are sealed.  Read through Revelation 6-19… You will realize that unless God sealed these witnesses for their own PROTECTION, they would have never lived to preach more than one message.

God places a seal upon them making them the untouchable; so that they cannot be hurt they are sealed because he wants to protect them.  Second, they are sealed for the POWER they are going to possess.  When we read the New Testament we are told that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

We are given the Holy Spirit who is the promise of our redemption, and it is the sign of the empowering that we have from God.  Where does our power come from as believers? It comes from the Spirit of God. The seal of the Spirit  is a badge of empowerment just like the seal of God upon these preachers is the badge of their  empowerment.

These Jewish witnesses are sealed because of God's PROMISE.

They are going to be the ones who enter into the kingdom at the end of the tribulation period.  They are going to live through the 7 years and when Christ comes back to set up his kingdom, all 144,000 of these witnesses are going to enter into his kingdom under the leadership of King Jesus.

Tomorrow I will ask the question what will they do?


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