A Life of Light #38
A Life of Light #38
Today's text is Philippians 2:14-15
Today's text is Philippians 2:14-15
Welcome back to the daily devo it's hard to believe that I've taken a 12 day hiatus. I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation with my family, and I've spent the last three days catching up around the house and in the office.
I trust this devotional will find you well and will speak into your life and heart as you navigate these difficult days that we live.
I want to bring you today to one of Paul's works Philippians 2:14-15. Now I know this is not Matthew chapter 24. And I know we're not anywhere close to being done with that particular passage. owever from time to time I tried a pepper a study with a glance from other sources of the scriptures that just seem to be laid on my heart and, in some way, fit into the context of what I'm studying.
Philippians 2 is one of those passages. It is my intention to preach soon From this text so I won't lay out all of my thoughts in this devotion But maybe this will serve as a reinforcement or a teaser for what we're going to study in corporate worship toward the end of July.
Paul writes of the Church of Philippi these words:
Phil. 2:14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing,
Phil. 2:15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
Paul seems to indicate that our lifestyle in a godless generation Is very important. he says we have the ability to shine his lights in the perverse generation Among whom we live.
If you have our church app downloaded then you know I've said on Sunday morning it is possible to live a godly Christian life in an ungodly world. Peter said so and so did Paul.
How was this accomplished? This is a great question and it is One of the most importance. I submit to you there's a cultural shift taking place within our lifetime and it's not a positive one.
I could be wrong and I hope that I am, but I think where we're headed as a nation, as a culture is a pretty dark place. if you and I who call ourselves Christian Are going to make a difference, we can make a difference by living a life that is believable. This world is screaming for authenticity. Our life Must match our lips now more than ever before.
Paul uses the word “all” do all things without complaining and disputing. it is amazing to me that Paul calls us to be light into a dark world and says to do that we Cannot be people who complain or argue. I would ask you to look around: What do you see? What do you hear?
Do you see the actions of violence and hatred? Do you hear the angry disputes that are largely promoted across the media platforms of our generation?
I think the Apostle is correct. if we want to stand out in a Dark World and make a difference we must not reflect the complaining and disputing of the generation in which we live but rather we must take verse 15 to heart:
We must become blameless and harmless. To be or to become is Paul's way of indicating that we have not yet arrived in our Christian journey. We need perseverance. The world around you is, more often than not, unjust and unmerciful. But God has given you resources to see you through tough times. As you grow in hope, patience, repentance and joy, you also grow in your ability to persevere.
Eugene Peterson said the key to a faithful Christian life is: “A long obedience in the same direction.” I want to be consistent to the end.
Paul calls us in this passage to be pure, innocent we must be pure in our motives unadulterated in our passions and we must not use one another for personal gain.
Read verse 16… Phil. 2:16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain
If we're going to stand and shine as lights and a crooked an perverted generation We must hold fast the word of life so that when our Lord returns we can say I have not run the race in vain I have not wasted my labor but I can rejoice in the hope, and in the strength, and in the promises of God almighty.
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